
ThesaHelp: how to find everything relevant to some topic or question

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a preliminary test of directed search
getting started with Thesa
help with search
how to use Thesa
why does directed search succeed for Thesa

information retrieval by following links
information retrieval by relevance
information retrieval by searching


Use a directed search to find everything relevant to a question or topic. First, find
something relevant to your query. Second, explore its related pages.

  1. Create two bookmark folders -- one for relevant pages, the other for possibly-relevant pages.
  2. Type a word or list of words in the find box and press the enter key.
  3. Google will return a list of topics with those words, and a list of topics, quotations, and sources that contain those words.
  4. Search the lists for pages that may be relevant.
  5. Add each possibly-relevant page to your possibly-relevant bookmarks.
  6. Visit the first page in the bookmarks. It contains links to related topics and quotations.
  7. Add possibly-relevant pages to your bookmark list.
  8. Is the page relevant? If so, add it to your relevant bookmarks.
  9. Visit the second page in your bookmark list, and continue adding possibly-relevant links
  10. Repeat this process until all relevant topics and quotations are located.

Related Topics up

ThesaHelp: a preliminary test of directed search
ThesaHelp: getting started with Thesa
ThesaHelp: help with search
ThesaHelp: how to use Thesa
ThesaHelp: why does directed search succeed for Thesa

Topic: information retrieval by following links (23 items)
Topic: information retrieval by relevance (33 items)
Topic: information retrieval by searching
(35 items)

Updated barberCB 4/06
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Thesa is a trademark of C. Bradford Barber.