
Quote: the atoms of matter are lines of force; the source of radiant phenomena

topics > all references > references e-f > QuoteRef: faraM_1855 , p. 447 [Philosophical Magazine, May 1846]

electromagnetic field
history of science


You are aware of the speculation [Phil. Mag. 1884] which I some time since uttered respecting that view of the nature of matter which considers its ultimate atoms as centres of force, and not as so many little bodies surrounded by forces, the bodies being considered in the abstract as independent of the forces and capable of existing without them. ... in the former view ... that which represents size may be considered as extending to any distance to which the lines of force of the particle extend: the particle indeed is supposed to exist only by these forces, and where they are it is. The consideration of matter under this view gradually led me to look at the lines of forces as being perhaps the seat of the vibrations of radiant phenomena.   Google-1   Google-2

Published before 1923

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