
Quote: Law of Abbreviation: if arrange tools linearly away from an artisan, the tools will tend to increase in size, weight and distance as they decrease in frequency of use

topics > all references > references t-z > QuoteRef: zipfGK_1949 , p. 59

words in natural languages

Quotation Skeleton

[Consider an artisan who arranges his tools in a line on a long board.] To simplify matters, let us say that … of transporting the tool … from its place on the board to the … the tool's total work-usage for [an interval] is equivalent … f x m x d [where f is the frequency of use, m is the tool's mass, and d is the distance along the board]. … since the artisan is obliged to use his … a way that the sum of all the … minimum. … [p. 63] in the course of time the different … [size] s, that as we proceeded down the board away from … [a tendency] towards an increasing m and s and a decreasing f. …   Google-1   Google-2

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