
Topic: pidgin and creole languages

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A pidgin language is a simplified, cross cultural language that contains little or no morphology. Children raised in a pidgin speaking society will develop the pidgin into a creole language. Creoles have all of the properties of other natural languages. Mimetic sign language is a creole language.

Children first use words as sentences. This is a pidgin style of communication. (cbb 5/94)

Subtopic: pidgin language up

Quote: pidgin languages are cross cultural; isolating with little or no morphology, grammar by word order [»newpEL_1982]
Quote: when two cultures speaking different languages must communicate, a pidgin language arises; may apply to human-computer interface [»slatBM7_1986]
Quote: a pidgin is a language without native speakers, but with a recognizable set of conventions over a long period. It is unintelligible to speakers of other languages [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: the phonology of pidgins is unstable and somewhat dependent on the speaker. [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: pidgins typically use a simplified vowel system without phonologically marked sounds; they avoid doubly articulated stops
Quote: pidgins are semantically transparent with one form for one meaning; e.g., two words to specify gender of all species [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: pidgins make maximum use of a minimum lexicon of 100 to several thousand words [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: pidgins use few synonyms; e.g., Tok Pisin uses one word for all pointy things and adjectives to identify specific forms [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: pidgin grammars lack surface and morphological complexity. Pidgins use semantic transparency, a limited vocabulary, and limited function words [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: a pidgin must be useful and learnable by adults who have lost the ability to learn a native language [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: for a pidgin to stabilize, it must develop its own norms of grammar, lexicon, and pronunciation [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: a stable pidgin uses phrase-like formulas for the description of new concepts, e.g., 'smoke eat thing' for 'pipe' [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: commerce corrupts the language through frequent contact with strangers; eventually becomes a mingled dialect, a jargon [»johnS_1755, OK]

Subtopic: foreign talk up

Quote: untutored second language learners that fossilize at an earlier stage produce languages similar to pidgins [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: foreigner talk is a dialect that native speakers use to talk with foreigners; like a pidgin with simple grammar, limited vocabulary, and restricted use [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: foreigner talk by both sides may play a role in the early development of a pidgin

Subtopic: creole language up

Quote: creole languages are created by children born to pidgin speakers; universally include internal morphology for words
Quote: creoles are pidgins which have become native languages for their speakers, typically as children; simple grammar [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: mimetic sign language learned by second-generation deaf; they regularize the handshapes and movements of the ASL lexicon into useful components [»newpEL_1982]
Quote: learning can produce a more highly structured language than the original; e.g., internal morphology of creole and mimetic ASL [»newpEL_1982]
Quote: children speak a creole faster than adults speak the corresponding pidgin; leads to phonological reduction of function words [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: a creole can develop abruptly before a pidgin is established; it may be influenced by biological language abilities [»sebbM_1997]

Subtopic: lexicon and grammar up

Quote: the lexicon of a pidgin or creole usually comes from one language, the lexifier, while the grammar has other sources, e.g., the substrate languages [»sebbM_1997]
Quote: the grammar of a pidgin is simpler than the grammar of native languages

Subtopic: language game up

Quote: children learn language by language games; complete systems of human communication [»wittL_1958]

Subtopic: language as naming up

Quote: for young children, a word is a whole sentence [»vyotLS_1962]
Quote: Augustine was taught to speak by learning the names of things [»wittL_1958]

Subtopic: communicating with computers up

Quote: Zuse envisaged a universal language for conversing with computers; Esperanto was too colloquial and Carnap's ideas were too mathematical; need something in between [»zuseK_1984]

Subtopic: artificial language up

Quote: no one has succeeded in inventing an artificial language that lets you say as many things as English does, but is as good as English at doing it [»richEA_1985]

Subtopic: mnemonic commands up

Quote: users will pick up mnemonic commands (pidgin-computer) if a natural-language front-end provides them; gives a short cut, easy to learn [»slatBM7_1986]
Quote: naming provides a pidgin language for design and a file system for data storage [»cbb_1990, OK]

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Updated barberCB 3/06
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