
Topic: initialized constants

topics > computer science > data > Group: data value

definition languages
functional programming
immutable files and data
initialization of data
named constants and expressions
owned resources and data objects
parameter passing by value
replacement as defining a variable
static single assignment; SSA
variables as objects which remember a value


An initialized constant is a name whose value is permanently assigned on first use. They are helpful for setting up the context for an execution. Their largest use is in parameter passing by value. In functional programming, all names are initialized constants. (cbb 1/90)
Subtopic: initialized constants up

Quote: a non-local or public identifier in an environment is assigned a constant value when the environment is created [»hansDR5_1978]
Quote: Smalltalk class variables are usually used as initialized constants [»xlrg8_1981]
Quote: Alphard allows initialized types; i.e., it is constant once defined [»wulfWA6_1976, OK]
Quote: a dynamic constant is an object which retains its first value indefinitely [»gunnIE7_1979]
Quote: allow declarations were needed. Used for initialize-only/single-assignment programming, references, initialized constants, and efficiency. [»stroB_1994]
Quote: need notation for single-assignment variables [»atkiMP6_1987]
Quote: for write-once fields, the commit/reconcile/fence (CRF) memory model needs monitor-like locks and a freeze op

Subtopic: use named constants everywhere up

Quote: a named constant (assign-once) can replace most variables except for repetition state [»redeDH7_1979]
Quote: a Cedar rope is an immutable, garbage-collected, text string; widely used in all system levels [»swinDC7_1985]

Subtopic: futures for synchronization up

Quote: use futures for concurrent return values, event objects, and macro-dataflow programming; wait until value is assigned; assign-once [»chriTW2_2002]

Subtopic: 'const' attribute up

Quote: reference arguments should use 'const' if the argument is not modified; allows literal and expression arguments; improves readability

Subtopic: read-once up

Quote: use alias burying to avoid destructive reads of 'read-once' variables; aliases must be dead when reading a unique field of possibly shared objects; static enforcement by restricting aliases across procedure calls

Related Topics up

Topic: constants (21 items)
Topic: definition languages (3 items)
Topic: functional programming (45 items)
Topic: immutable files and data (59 items)
Topic: initialization of data (45 items)
Topic: named constants and expressions (21 items)
Topic: owned resources and data objects (12 items)
Topic: parameter passing by value (5 items)
Topic: replacement as defining a variable (8 items)
Topic: static single assignment; SSA (19 items)
Topic: variables as objects which remember a value
(10 items)

Updated barberCB 9/05
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