
Topic: static single assignment; SSA

topics > computer science > programming > Group: code generation

code optimization by flow analysis
definition languages
dependency analysis
flavor analysis and typestates for supplementary type checking
immutable files and data
initialized constants
owned resources and data objects
register allocation by use-def graphs
replacement as defining a variable
safe use of pointers
Subtopic: SSA for optimization up

Quote: static single assignment (SSA) is useful for optimization
Quote: OSR is a practical algorithm for operator strength reduction using SSA form; as good as ACK

Subtopic: type separation, check elimination up

Quote: SafeTSA assigns a separate register plane for every type; guarantees type separation without type and range checks [»ammeW6_2001]
Quote: ABCD-eliminate array bounds checks on demand; sparse SSA analysis; removes 45% of bounds checks [»bodiR6_2000]
Quote: implement field analysis with static, single-assignment (SSA) graph; analyze loads and stores without optimization or context-sensitive information [»ghemS6_2000]
Quote: analyze escape constraints with types and static single assignment (SSA); linear time and space

Subtopic: distinguished value up

Quote: SafeTSA uses SSA to distinguish unique values of a variable; uses phi-instructions and data flow instead of local variables [»ammeW6_2001]

Subtopic: memory safety up

Quote: compositional verification of memory safety in optimized code; encode low-level safety information via static single-assignment (SSA) proof variables [»menoVS1_2006]

Subtopic: referential integrity, pointer analysis up

Quote: SafeTSA guarantees referential integrity by construction; reference in terms of a basic block in the dominator tree [»ammeW6_2001]
Quote: extended SSA numbering for indirect pointer references; requires pointer analysis and side-effect analysis; easy to add [»labkC3_1998]

Subtopic: induction variable up

Quote: OSR identifies induction variables by a depth-first search of the strongly-connected components in the SSA-graph [»coopKD9_2001]

Subtopic: unassigned value up

Quote: a borrowed variable (a dynamic alias) is never stored in a field; owned elsewhere; may be used for computation or local variable, but it is never returned [»boylJ5_2001]

Subtopic: SSA algorithm up

Quote: efficiently compute the static single assignment (SSA) form and control dependency graph using dominance frontiers; result is usually linear in size [»cytrR10_1991]

Subtopic: flow of values up

Quote: treat control variables as a flow of values, one per clock tick; system of equations or dataflow network; each variable defined exactly once [»benvA1_2003]
Quote: Lustre extends the usual operators to operate pointwise on flows of values
Quote: a node in Lustre is a function of typed input flows; defined by a system of equations and local flows; exactly one definition for each output or local flow [»benvA1_2003]

Subtopic: balloon type up

Quote: a balloon type has only one static reference, the reference is external, and no external reference to an internal object [»almePS6_1997]
Quote: state variables can not store a reference to a pre-existing balloon object; variables and parameters can store references [»almePS6_1997]
Quote: state variables can only store references to newly created balloon objects; uses deep-copy [»almePS6_1997]

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Topic: flavor analysis and typestates for supplementary type checking (68 items)
Topic: immutable files and data (59 items)
Topic: initialized constants (12 items)
Topic: owned resources and data objects (12 items)
Topic: register allocation by use-def graphs (9 items)
Topic: replacement as defining a variable (8 items)
Topic: safe use of pointers
(102 items)

Updated barberCB 3/06
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