ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
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Topic: code optimization by code rewrite
Topic: static single assignment; SSA
Topic: graphs
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Cooper, K.D., Simpson, L.T., Vick, C.A.,
"Operator strength reduction",
ACM Transactions on programming languages and systems, 23, 5, September 2001, pp. 603-625.
abstract ;;Quote: operator strength reduction rewrites expensive operations as simpler operations; e.g., 'add' instead of 'multiply' for array indexing
| abstract+;;Quote: OSR is a practical algorithm for operator strength reduction using SSA form; as good as ACK
| 607 ;;Quote: description of Allen, Cocke, and Kennedy's ACK algorithm for operator strength reduction
| 611 ;;Quote: OSR identifies induction variables by a depth-first search of the strongly-connected components in the SSA-graph
| 620 ;;Quote: after OSR, need to remove global, common subexpressions and replace linear function tests
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