
Topic: programming language standards

topics > computer science > programming > Group: requirement specification

communication protocols
software portability
machine independent programming


Major languages have been standardized for inter-machine portability. Many standards have strong government support and use, especially COBOL standardization. COBOL's environment division specifies the host machinery and COBOL's rich statement facilities define the operating system's interface.

Standards often impose a heavy efficiency penalty and reduce the language's utility. Their benefits are diminished when the language is enhanced from a standard sub-set. Most programmers will not use the standard subset unless forced to. Most languages represent only a small part of a programming system. Compilers are never standardized which results in a wide range of implementation techniques. Skilled programmers will use their knowledge of the compiler to improve their programs in non-standard ways. Compilers usually come with a large library of procedures and functions. Unless the libraries themselves are standardized, their use guarantees non-standard software. (cbb 5/80)

Subtopic: language standardization up

Quote: PL.8 not standardized despite being a fully-checked language; enforcement of language rules cost less than 10% [»auslM6_1982]

Subtopic: problem of complexity up

Quote: DOD's common HOL encourages subsetting because of its complexity; would ruin advantage of a common language [»galkJT6_1980]
Quote: Tartan was designed as a simple language that meets most of the Ironman requirements [»shawM9_1978]

Subtopic: problem of optimization up

Quote: compiler optimization needs standardization, otherwise programmers must adapt their style to optimization quirks [»goodJB8_1976]

Subtopic: problem of standardization up

QuoteRef: halpMI1_1968 ;;17 standardization like specifying color and seat position of a car with nothing about the engine or drive train.
QuoteRef: rossDT11_1976 ;;596 "The most important part of a standard is its applicability clause, which exactly specifies when not to use it.
QuoteRef: rossDT11_1976 ;;596 "Standards exist only to serve the needs of a non-standard world. Standards cannot create a standard world.
QuoteRef: rossDT11_1976 ;;596 "Proposed standards can be very beneficial; imposed standards will be disaster"

Subtopic: problem of features up

Quote: ANSI FORTRAN omitted the NAMELIST which is a indispensable feature for data input

Subtopic: history up

Quote: standardize the preparation of control tapes and operating instructions; group enterprise; minimizes special instructions

Related Topics up

Topic: communication protocols (62 items)
Topic: software portability (43 items)
Topic: standards (12 items)
Topic: machine independent programming
(13 items)

Updated barberCB 11/04
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