ThesaHelp: references p-r
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: programming language standards
Topic: interface between program modules
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Ross, D.T.,
"Homilies for humble standards",
Communications of the ACM, 19, 11, pp. 595-600, November 1976.
QuoteRef: rossDT11_1976 ;;596 "Proposed standards can be very beneficial; imposed standards will be disaster"
| QuoteRef: rossDT11_1976 ;;596 "The most important part of a standard is its applicability clause, which exactly specifies when not to use it.
| QuoteRef: rossDT11_1976 ;;596 "Standards exist only to serve the needs of a non-standard world. Standards cannot create a standard world.
| 598 ;;Quote: interfaces are the most crucial starting point
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