
Topic: mobile code

topics > computer science > Group: distributed systems

program proving

actor machines
compressed code
computational mail
dynamic code modification
implementing distributed systems and applications
name server or name directory
operating system security
process migration
proof-carrying code
resourceful, redundant systems for reliability
safety, liveness, and system properties
security issues with electronic mail
security of remotely executed code
sending an object across a network
software maintenance by patching
type-safe and secure languages


Mobile code is code that moves from computer to computer. It may use multiple computers at the same time. It may transfer state, allowing a computation on one computer to continue on another.

Examples include mobile agents, mobile objects, and computer viruses. Available services may be searched in a public registry. Security and type safety is particularly important for mobile code. Code may carry its own proof of correctness. (cbb 2/07)

Subtopic: mobile agents up

Quote: 'Creatures' are autonomous, intelligent, mobile agents that co-exist in the world with humans [»brooRA1_1991]

Subtopic: mobile objects up

Quote: treat large objects the same as small ones; easily created and moved; not treated as a static set of small objects [»pratV1_1983]
Quote: an information unit could be a query or a program that is executed when opened [»caplM12_1987]

Subtopic: service registry up

Quote: maintain a distributed system with a global registry of software modules; unique identifier for name, version, security interface, and performance parameters; modules exchange ids [»fedaA3_1997]
Quote: Telesophy uses a registry for logical server to address mapping; better than fixed table [»caplM12_1987]

Subtopic: service identification up

Quote: INS uses IP unicast to identify services by description or intentional name; ubiquitous for mobile and wireless [»adjiW12_1999]

Subtopic: worms up

Quote: a worm program maintains a communicating set of segments on several machines; foundation for a distributed user program [»shocJF3_1982]
Quote: wrote a control program to stop all worms on the network; actually killed 100 machines [»shocJF3_1982]
Quote: while developing a distributed worm control algorithm is difficult, the final result worked well [»shocJF3_1982]

Subtopic: type safety up

Quote: SafeTSA is compact, type-safe mobile code based on static single assignment; safe by construction with referential integrity, type separation, and type check elimination [»ammeW6_2001]
Quote: a language for remotely-loaded code should have a safe type system, garbage-collection, and carefully managed system calls
Quote: dynamic linking of verifiable native code in Typed Assembly Language (TAL); allows type-safe, dynamic linking; comparable performance to the standard ELF implementation [»hickM9_2000]

Subtopic: proof-carrying code up

Quote: simple, fast proof-carrying code; guaranteed conformance with a operating system's safety policy; e.g., network packet filters [»necuGC10_1996]

Subtopic: type migration up

Quote: hot swap modules need to change types while preserving type safety; use reflective mechanism with programmer-defined version adapters [»duggD9_2001]

Related Topics up

Group: program proving   (10 topics, 311 quotes)
Group: security   (23 topics, 874 quotes)

Topic: actor machines (2 items)
Topic: compressed code (17 items)
Topic: computational mail (11 items)
Topic: dynamic code modification (15 items)
Topic: implementing distributed systems and applications (41 items)
Topic: name server or name directory (40 items)
Topic: operating system security (18 items)
Topic: process migration (3 items)
Topic: proof-carrying code (7 items)
Topic: resourceful, redundant systems for reliability (38 items)
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties (22 items)
Topic: security issues with electronic mail (18 items)
Topic: security of remotely executed code (24 items)
Topic: sending an object across a network (11 items)
Topic: software maintenance by patching (27 items)
Topic: type-safe and secure languages
(43 items)

Updated barberCB 6/06
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