Topic: database security
ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: symbolic representation
Topic: abstraction by name
Topic: using an address as a name
Topic: entity-relationship database model
Topic: database schema
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Martin, J.,
Computer data-base organization, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1975.
26 ;;Quote: consider this sequence: Godfather, Paris Theater, Paris at 58th and 5th, turn left...
| QuoteRef: martJ_1975 ;;34 privacy-- rights of individuals to control disclosure
| QuoteRef: martJ_1975 ;;34 security-- protected physical destruction, reconstructible, auditable, tamperproof (user's identified), actions authorized, use monitored
| 63 ;;Quote: diagram a logical data base with boxes for records, arrows for relationships, and sub-boxes for aggregate parts
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