ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
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Group: type checking
Topic: data type as a set of values
Group: data type
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation
Topic: security by access functions
Topic: data type by access rights
Topic: dynamic vs. static data type
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Morris, J.H. Jr.,
"Types are not sets",
Conference Record of ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, ACM, October 1973, pp. 120-124.
120 ;;Quote: mathematical definitions of types as extensional sets miss the importance of type checking
| 120 ;;Quote: type checking authenticates valid types prior to processing and keeps secret the procedures that implement the type
| 120 ;;Quote: the data type of an object does not depend on its value, but rather its source and use; type should not be extensional
| 121 ;;Quote: the programmer of a module should not make assumptions about its use; use private storage and treat parameters with suspicion
| 121+;;Quote: use private storage to maintain the integrity of a data structure
| 121 ;;Quote: create a type by creating three operators: 'seal' to assign a type, 'testseal' to test a type, and 'unseal' to reveal an object's implementation or to use its parent type
| 121 ;;Quote: implement a type by sealing objects before they leave a module and testing the type seal on reentry to the module
| 122 ;;Quote: allow static type checking by specifying the types, assigning a set of values for each type, and restricting 'seal', 'testseal', and 'unseal' to module boundaries
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