ThesaHelp: references p-r
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: machine code and assembly language
Topic: packed data
Topic: I/O streams
Topic: boolean values, binary numbers, and bit strings
Topic: pattern specification
Topic: consistency testing
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Ramsey, N., Fernandez, M.F.,
"Specifying representations of machine instructions",
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 19, 3, May 1997, pp. 492-524.
Other Reference
abstract ;;Quote: SLED defines abstract, binary, and assembly-language representations of machine instructions
| abstract+;;Quote: define machine instructions with fields, tokens, patterns, and constructors; for a wide variety of processors
| 495 ;;Quote: an instruction stream consists of tokens in several classes; a token consists of bit fields
| 495+;;Quote: a SLED pattern constrains the values of fields in one or more tokens
| 495+;;Quote: a SLED constructor produces abstract, binary, and assembly-language instructions from a operand list
| 496 ;;Quote: a SLED specification reads like a computer architecture specification; e.g., a specification for a SPARC subset
| 501 ;;Quote: define bit fields by endian convention, width, low and high bit; generate shifts and masks automatically
| 501+;;Quote: bit fields are better than bit strings for binary representation: order independent, check for overlaps and gaps, specified length
| 503 ;;Quote: SLED patterns consist of range constraints and field bindings with conjunction, concatenation, disjunction, and construction; no Kleene closure
| 519 ;;Quote: check the New Jersey Machine Code toolkit by generating machine code and assembly code; match results with a trusted assembler and a disassembler
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ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z (280 items)
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Topic: boolean values, binary numbers, and bit strings (44 items)
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