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Topic: string transformation languages
Topic: trees
Topic: structure transformation languages
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Christensen, C.,
"On the implementation of AMBIT, a language for symbol manipulation",
Communications of the ACM, 9, 8, pp. 570-573, August 1966.
570 ;;Quote: transform tree structures by transforming a linear representation of the tree; use string transformations
| QuoteRef: chriC8_1966 ;;570 string transformations as unique match to replacement, pattern of literals and certain classes e.g., all
| QuoteRef: chriC8_1966 ;;570 Ambit for manipulating trees-- follow up
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ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e (259 items)
ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Topic: string transformation languages (17 items)
Topic: trees (21 items)
Topic: structure transformation languages (7 items)