ThesaHelp: references p-r
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: variable as reference to a value
Group: variables
Topic: variable as reference to storage
Topic: using an address as a name
Topic: software portability
Topic: number representation
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Ritchie, D.M.,
"The development of the C programming language, with transcript of presentation", pp. 671-698, in Bergin, T.J., Jr., Gibson, R.G., Jr. (ed.),
History of Programming Languages-II, New York, ACM Press, 1996.
693 ;;Quote: what is the meaning of a name in a program? In Bliss, it is a location. In Algol 68, it is a location that is automatically converted to a value. In C, it is a value.
| 694 ;;Quote: C's INT_MAX limit effects the design of a program but rarely leads to errors
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