Topic: searching the Web
Topic: information retrieval by relevance
Group: information retrieval
Topic: hypertext links
Topic: probability
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Kleinberg, J.M.,
"Authoritative sources in a hyperlinked environment",
Journal of the ACM, 46, 5, September 1999, pp. 604-632.
605 ;;Quote: want authoritative results from broad-topic queries; the set of relevant results is too large
| 606 ;;Quote: a hyperlink confers authority on the target; a latent human judgment
| 607 ;;Quote: hubs and authorities exhibit a mutually reinforcing relationship; a good hub points to many good authorities and vice versa
| 608 ;;Quote: determine hubs and authorities from a neighborhood of the 200 highest ranked pages for a query
| 611 ;;Quote: the iterative algorithm for hubs and authorities converges to the principal eigenvectors of the weighting matrices
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