ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: software tools
Topic: programming language design
Topic: ease of use
Group: computer science
Topic: programming language
Topic: compiler error checking
Topic: consistency testing
Topic: data types in Thesa
Topic: primitive data types of a language
Topic: integer values and operations
Topic: units
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Cleaveland, J.C.,
"Meaning and syntactic redundancy", pp. 115-124, in Schuman, S.A. (ed.),
New Directions in Algorithmic Languages, Rocquencourt Institut de recharche d'informatique et d'automatique, IFIP Working Group 2.1 on Algol, 1975.
Stanford Computer Library #8560
115 ;;Quote: the goal of computer language design is the rapid and easy production of programs that work as intended
| 115+;;Quote: computer language design is a primary research area in computer science
| 116 ;;Quote: syntactic redundancy reduces the number of possible errors by consistency testing
| 119 ;;Quote: units allow programmers to distinguish different kinds of integers
| 119 ;;Quote: with unit specifications, the compiler prevents nonsensical combinations
| 123 ;;Quote: pouch analysis is the same as dimensional analysis for checking units in formulas
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