ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: von Neumann computer
Topic: boolean values, binary numbers, and bit strings
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation
Topic: hardware vs. software
Topic: sensitivity of software to change
Topic: computer architecture
Topic: software portability
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Utley, A.M., et. al.,
"Discussion of plans, projects, and general ideas",
Report of a Conference on High Speed Automatic Calculating-Machines, University Mathematical Laboratory, Cambridge University, Great Britain, June 1949, issued January 1950, pp. 123-133.
127 ;;Quote: von Neumann enunciated the basic principles for designing an electronic computing machine
| 127+;;Quote: an electronic computing machine should use the binary system and convert to decimal only for I/O
| 127 ;;Quote: a programmer can write and call a subroutine just as easily as invoking specially-built hardware; and without the maintenance cost
| 133 ;;Quote: a library of subroutines may be difficult to change
| 133+;;Quote: use the same order code for new machines since the library of subroutines may be as valuable as the machine itself
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ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: von Neumann computer (14 items)
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Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation (53 items)
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Topic: sensitivity of software to change (44 items)
Topic: computer architecture (44 items)
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