Topic: database consistency and reliability
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Raman, V., Hellerstein, J.M.,
"Potter's wheel: An interactive data cleaning system",
Proceedings of the Twenty-seventy International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Roma, Italy, September 2001, pp. 381-390.
abstract ;;Quote: interactive data cleaning system that integrates transformation and discrepancy detection
| abstract+;;Quote: transformations shown at once on visible records; like a spreadsheet
| abstract+;;Quote: interactive development of transformation by graphical operations or example transformations; user-defined domains and constraints
| 382 ;;Quote: compile program from a sequence of transformations; undo as needed; optimize
| 389 ;;Quote: do not modify data when exploring transformations; instead, create a view on the visible records
| 384 ;;Quote: optimize recall, precision, and length when parsing a data domain
| 384+;;Quote: use minimum description length to select how to parse data in a column
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