Topic: predicate transforms
ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: formal methods and languages
Group: program proving
Topic: incremental testing
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Parnas, D.L., Bartussek, W., Handzel, C., Wurges, H.,
"Using predicate transforms to verify the effects of "real" programs", University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, TR 76-101, October 27, 1976.
2 ;;Quote: formal semantics for programming languages should play a fundamental role in software engineering
| 3 ;;Quote: can analyze an electrical circuit via mathematical equations
| QuoteRef: parnDL10_1976 ;;3 using predicate transforms for program proof reason backwards through the program this is more accurate and a better double check of program
| QuoteRef: parnDL10_1976 ;;6 Dijkstra's predicate transforms show previous state given state and just executed instruction
| 7 ;;Quote: the transformed predicate is the weakest precondition that gives the original predicate after execution
| QuoteRef: parnDL10_1976 ;;9 predicate transform for assignment is T[X:=E] = | P(x)->P(E) |
| 14 ;;Quote: example of applying a predicate transform to a while program; also need termination
| 30 ;;Quote: if write a system as a set of programs must understand and verify each part without knowing or using the details of the other parts
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