ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: replacement as setting a reference to a value
Topic: variable as reference to storage
Topic: software portability
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Richards, M., Evans, A. Jr., Mobec, R.F.,
"The BCPL reference manual", MIT, Project Mac, TR-141, 1974.
Other Reference
NTIS ADIA 003599
1 ;;Quote: BCPL was designed as a portable language
| QuoteRef: richM_1974 ;;11 each storage cell holds binary value (right hand side valve) with lvalue address of same size. only primitive object
| QuoteRef: richM_1974 ;;12 in BCPL a variable is bound to a storage cell
| QuoteRef: richM_1974 ;;13 lmode gets lvalue (address) and rmode gets rvalue eg e1 := e2 generate new object with lmode value of e1 and rmode value of e2
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