Topic: thought is computational
Topic: people vs. computers
Topic: natural language as communication
Topic: semantic truth; s iff p
Topic: what is a computer
Group: formalism
Topic: philosophy of mind
Topic: consciousness
Topic: limitations of artificial intelligence and cognitive science
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Searle, J.R.,
"Is the brain's mind a computer program",
Scientific American, 262, January 1990, pp. 26-31.
26 ;;Quote: if a machine is a physical system capable of performing certain functions, then humans are machines and machines can think
| 26 ;;Quote: thought as a computer program is a completely different question than it is for physical, causal properties of machines; abstract, computational, independent of substance
| 26 ;;Quote: Chinese room argument -- baskets of Chinese symbols and a rule book do not understand Chinese; symbols vs. meaning
| 27 ;;Quote: computer programs are formal (syntactic); they manipulate symbols through precisely stated rules; abstract, manipulated without meaning
| 27 ;;Quote: syntax is not sufficient for semantics; the mental contents of human minds
| 29 ;;Quote: brains cause minds; i.e, every mental event is caused by specific neurons firing in specific neural architectures
| 29+;;Quote: human brains can not produce mental events solely by running a computer program
| 31 ;;Quote: syntax and electromagnetism are not comparable; syntax is formal with no physical, causal powers
| 31 ;;Quote: a computer model of thought is just a model; no one expects to get wet in a pool filled with molecular models
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