ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: heterogeneous database
Group: distributed database
Topic: information as a hint
Topic: updating information in a distributed system
Topic: optimistic update for concurrency control
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Roussopoulos, N., Kang, H.,
"Principles and techniques in the design of ADMS+-",
IEEE Computer, pp. 19-25, December 1986.
19+ ;;Quote: ADMS+- integrates ADMS+ on a mainframe with a large number of workstation databases called ADMS-
| 19 ;;Quote: ADMS- is a trimmed version of ADMS+ without security and concurrency control subsystems
| 19 ;;Quote: ADMS- is an intelligent cache database access subsystem for ADMS+
| 19 ;;Quote: ADMS+- has an incremental access model: it reuses previously found access paths to data
| 20 ;;Quote: in ADMS+-, updates are logged but not broadcast; if an access path is outdated, it is updated and cached; low cost
| 20 ;;Quote: in ADMS+-, common access paths are globalized on ADMS+ while rare ones are localized on ADMS- at the requesting workstation
| 20 ;;Quote: ADMS+- assumes a high bandwidth with no delay between workstations and mainframe
| 20 ;;Quote: if 'almost up-to-date' data is ok, ADMS- will process a query on the workstation without waiting for current updates
| 21 ;;Quote: every change to ADMS+ data relations are recorded on a backlog for transmission to ADMS- workstations
| 21 ;;Quote: since ADMS- caches updates, it only needs the latest updates to a relation from ADMS+
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