Topic: production systems
ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: indentation
Topic: object-defined exception handling
Topic: exceptions and undesired events
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Reynolds, C.F.,
"The importance of flexibility",
Computer Journal, 14, 3, pp. 217-220, 1971.
Codil - context dependent information language
Subtopic: Quote: tendency is to ignore the unusual case even though it is important
+;;Quote: another problem with unusual cases is treating all of them in full
QuoteRef: reynCF3_1971 ;;218 handling exceptions-- linked data list with each section containing exceptional handling
| QuoteRef: reynCF3_1971 ;;218 Codil processing consists of going down criteria statement and checking against facts statement; last item is either appended to the facts statement or it is a procedure
| QuoteRef: reynCF3_1971 ;;218 uses indentation to produce a context
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