Topic: top-down vs. bottom-up design
ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: programming language design
Topic: Thesa's user interface
Topic: uniform language systems
Topic: decomposition of a system into levels
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation
Topic: the 'uses' hierarchy for organizing systems
Topic: uniform reference to data
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Ross, D.T.,
"Uniform referents: an essential property for a software engineering language", pp. 91-101 , in Tou, J.T. (ed.),
Software Engineering, 1, New York, Academic Press, 1970.
92 ;;Quote: there should be a single language for all aspects of software engineering from initial conception to use
| QuoteRef: rossDT_1970 ;;94 outside in design (i.e. top down)
| 99 ;;Quote: good interfaces allow low-level details to change without effecting the higher levels
| 99 ;;Quote: want uniform reference to all operands
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Topic: decomposition of a system into levels (49 items)
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Topic: the 'uses' hierarchy for organizing systems (18 items)
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