ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: reusable programming
Group: object-oriented programming
Topic: learning a programming language
Topic: problems with type inheritance
Topic: state machine
Topic: structured programming
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Maring, B.,
"Object-oriented development of large applications",
IEEE Software, May 1996, pp. 33-40.
[p.34] "from my experiences with multiple development teams (at GTE and elsewhere) who struggled with large OO applications, each involving one million lines of code or more."
34 ;;Quote: application developers should assemble or reuse code; without using a facility to write code
| 35 ;;Quote: many experienced programmers were not able to learn object-oriented programming; needed experience with hardware, finite-state machines, or event loops
| 36 ;;Quote: managing large class libraries is hard; low productivity due to many words, dialects, and inconsistent rules
| 36 ;;Quote: class-library size can grow rapidly
| 36+;;Quote: limit application developers to aggregation and encapsulation; only experts should subclass via inheritance and additive specialization
| 37 ;;Quote: control flow must be explicitly represented separately from class behaviors; use state-transition matrix
| 37+;;Quote: in traditional block-structured code, the block structure defines the control flow
| 40 ;;Quote: objects without significant reuse seemed far worse than traditional software-development methods; only their creators could maintain them and even then, with considerable difficulty
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
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