ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: user interface tool kits
Topic: procedure valued variables
Topic: program construction by walk-through
Topic: software portability
Topic: constraints
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Myers, B.A.,
"Separating application code from toolkits: Eliminating the spaghetti of call-backs.",
Fourth Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology UIST'91, ACM SIGGRAPH & SIGCHI, November 1991.
about the Gilt Interface Builder in the Garnet user interface development environment.
abstract ;;Quote: toolkits for user interfaces require call-backs for every widget, many trivial; hard to maintain
| abstract+;;Quote: with Gilt, specify most widget call-backs by demonstration; part of Garnet
| 211 ;;Quote: call-backs in a user interface tie the application code to a toolkit; small interface changes often require many rewritten call-backs
| 211 ;;Quote: user interface call-backs often use text labels for arguments; must edit the code if the natural language changes
| 211 ;;Quote: many user interface call-backs filter values from widgets, interconnect widgets, perform error checking, or control the display
| 212 ;;Quote: with Gilt, specify filter expressions for user interface widgets by demonstration or icon selection; filters implemented by constraints
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