Topic: user-defined languages
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation
Group: types of programming languages
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: business application language
Topic: descriptive languages
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Sammet, J.E.,
"Programming languages: history and future",
Communications of the ACM, 15, 7, pp. 601-610, July 1972.
QuoteRef: sammJE7_1972 ;;603 new concept languages: APT (application), FORTRAN, COBOL (was FLOWMAT, IIPL-V, GPSS (simulation SIMSCRIPT), COGO, SNOBOL COMIT (strings) JOVIAL, JOSS (interactive). FORMAL (formulamanipulation)
| QuoteRef: sammJE7_1972 ;;608 user defined languages
| QuoteRef: sammJE7_1972 ;;609 languages should be problem oriented i.e. what is to be done instead of how to do it % details
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