ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: demonstrating systems
Topic: tiled vs. overlapping windows
Topic: using icons to represent windows
Topic: spatial metaphor in user interfaces
Topic: preventing accidental errors
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface
Topic: undoing actions in a UserInterface
Topic: dragging with a mouse
Topic: selecting text with a mouse
Topic: descriptive naming
Topic: value as an abstraction
Topic: memory management by garbage collection
Topic: primitive data types of a language
Topic: strings
Topic: immutable files and data
Topic: implementation of Thesa data objects
Topic: non-primitive values
Topic: Thesa's user interface
Topic: multiple activities in a user interface
Group: goals for a programming system
Topic: software maintenance by patching
Topic: interactive response time
Topic: Thesa compiler and loader
| |
Teitelman, W. ,
"A tour through Cedar ",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering , SE-11 , 3 , pp. 285-302 , March 1985 .
abstract ;;Quote: describes Cedar by following a videotape of a live demonstration
| 287 ;;Quote: overlapping windows for access to old windows; but requires time to manage and windows can easily disappear
| 287+;;Quote: Cedar uses icons instead of overlapping windows for access to old windows
| 287 ;;Quote: a Cedar whiteboard is a 2-d viewer for spatial organization of data, viewers, and text
| 289 ;;Quote: a guarded button, e.g., Destroy, must be double clicked; marked with a cross-out
| 289 ;;Quote: undoing, guarded buttons, and edit recovery provide confidence for rapid system interaction
| 291 ;;Quote: shift selection identifies an underlined source, release shift inserts it; rapid text moves
| 291+;;Quote: use copy-paste for descriptive names to avoid unnecessary typing
| 292 ;;Quote: Cedar ropes are immutable, garbage collected, strings; same as a value
| 298 ;;Quote: Cedar users often have several foreground tasks, e.g., multiple edits, debugging, and reading mail
| 301 ;;Quote: Cedar goal of under five seconds for minor program changes; makes programming think-bound
| 301+;;Quote: several 'knees' is user's perception of response delay; e.g., 3 to 5 seconds
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: demonstrating systems (6 items)
Topic: tiled vs. overlapping windows (21 items)
Topic: using icons to represent windows (15 items)
Topic: spatial metaphor in user interfaces (33 items)
Topic: preventing accidental errors (36 items)
Topic: keystroke shortcuts as a UserInterface (22 items)
Topic: undoing actions in a UserInterface (23 items)
Topic: dragging with a mouse (17 items)
Topic: selecting text with a mouse (14 items)
Topic: descriptive naming (29 items)
Topic: value as an abstraction (25 items)
Topic: memory management by garbage collection (113 items)
Topic: primitive data types of a language (31 items)
Topic: strings (13 items)
Topic: immutable files and data (57 items)
Topic: implementation of Thesa data objects (27 items)
Topic: non-primitive values (11 items)
Topic: Thesa's user interface (8 items)
Topic: multiple activities in a user interface (17 items)
Group: goals for a programming system (21 topics, 971 quotes)
Topic: software maintenance by patching (26 items)
Topic: interactive response time (32 items)
Topic: Thesa compiler and loader (23 items)