ThesaHelp: references a-b
Group: computer science
Topic: tools
Topic: incremental development
Topic: man-machine symbiosis
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Brooks, F.P. Jr.,
"The computer "scientist" as toolsmith--studies in interactive computer graphics ",
Information Processing 77, IFIP, North-Holland, August 1977, pp. 625-634.
625 ;;Quote: a computer scientist is a toolsmith--no more, but no less
| 625 ;;Quote: a toolmaker succeeds only as the tool users succeed; the clients of successful swordsmiths die old
| 634 ;;Quote: satisfactory man-machine systems are the product of iterative design in which misfits are painstakingly removed
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ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
Group: computer science (871 topics, 23143 quotes)
Topic: tools (20 items)
Topic: incremental development (74 items)
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