Topic: naming by pointing or recognition
ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: object and value equivalence
Topic: names as rigid designators
Topic: referential transparency
Topic: natural language as communication
Topic: meaning by use
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Quine, W.V.,
"Identity, ostension, and hypostasis",
Journal of Philosophy, 1950.
Other Reference
Quine, W.V., From A Logical Point of View, Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1980, 2nd edition, revised, p. 65-79
71 ;;Quote: identification of indiscernibles--indistinguishable objects are identical for a given discourse
| 75 ;;Quote: a term is a name of an entity if identical entities may be substituted; Frege
| 79 ;;Quote: concepts are language; the purpose of language is efficacy in communication and prediction; this is the ultimate duty of language, science, and philosophy
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