ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: managing people
Topic: military and war
Topic: responsibility
Topic: rules
Topic: organizations as systems
Topic: contingency and strategic planning
Group: organizations
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Peters, T.J., Waterman, T.H. Jr.,
"In search of excellence Lessons from America's best-run companies", New York, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1982.
75 ;;Quote: a leader orchestrates action and gives it meaning in terms of strategic directions
| 92 ;;Quote: Weber-Taylor school--solve problem of managing large groups by rules about breakdown of work, spans of control, authority and responsibility
| 104 ;;Quote: organizations are systems composed of ideas, the meanings of which must be managed
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ThesaHelp: references p-r (245 items)
Topic: managing people (64 items)
Topic: military and war (33 items)
Topic: responsibility (12 items)
Topic: rules (43 items)
Topic: organizations as systems (28 items)
Topic: contingency and strategic planning (22 items)
Group: organizations (19 topics, 426 quotes)