413 ;;Quote: proposal for successor of ALGOL 60; replaces tree structures with records
414 ;;Quote: adding bit and string sequences to Algol; unlike arrays, processed as a whole or subsequences
414 ;;Quote: bit sequences fit into a computer word for packing and efficient processing; specify max length
414 ;;Quote: in Algol, every expression is syntactically type checked; run-time checks only needed on procedure entry
415 ;;Quote: replaced Algol's switch statement with case statement; mirrors dynamic structure of a program; eliminates extraneous labels
415 ;;Quote: replaced ALGOL 60's for statement with while statements and for loops over an arithmetic progression; was too complex
415 ;;Quote: added result parameters to ALGOL 60; defined by copy rule, the literal replacement of a formal parameter by the actual parameter
416 ;;Quote: record data structure for Algol; each field has a name and a type; pioneered by Ross in AED-1
416 ;;Quote: use reference types to link records into structural networks of any desired complexity
416 ;;Quote: a record represents a physical or conceptual object; a field and field name represents a property
416 ;;Quote: a data record is created dynamically and reclaimed through garbage collection
416 ;;Quote: use references to represent functional relationships between objects; e.g., the 'father' field of A points to A's father
416 ;;Quote: use reference variables to refer to records and their fields; e.g., age(father(B)) is the age of B's father
416 ;;Quote: a record class is all records with the same field names and types; correspond to their natural classification; e.g., person or town
416 ;;Quote: restrict reference variables to a specific type; prevents accessing the incorrect class
417 ;;Quote: added bit and string subsequences to Algol; left or right-hand side of assignment
417 ;;Quote: use one or more 'long' annotations instead of required decimal places; otherwise mismatch between number and its representation