ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: philosophy of mind
Group: psychology
Topic: writing
Topic: models of reality
Topic: sociology
Topic: problems with empirical truth
Group: natural language
Topic: abstraction
Topic: meaning without reference
Topic: rules
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Mitchell, R.,
Less Than Words Can Say, Boston, Massachusetts, Little, Brown and Company, 1979.
17 ;;Quote: keeping modifier near the modified thing is a property of our minds; not a rule of English
| 27 ;;Quote: "primitive" people assume an underlying reality that is more complicated and elaborate than ours
| 27 ;;Quote: all languages are anchored in other worlds rather than in sensible experience
| 42 ;;Quote: discussing the rain acknowledges our kinship without evoking other worlds where kinship may be questionable
| 44 ;;Quote: the rules of writing are rules because they work; like keeping your eye on the ball
| 114 ;;Quote: we cannot abandon magic; our language assumes the existence of abstract entities; so with mankind and gravity comes Lady Luck and fate
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
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