ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: customer-centered marketing
Topic: importance of market share
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Trout, J., Ries, A.,
"The positioning era: a view ten years later ",
Advertising Age, July 16, l979 .
Other Reference
reprinted pp 430-437 in Enis B.M., Cox K.K., Marketing Classics (4th ed.) Boston: Allyn& Bacon 1981
435 ;;Quote: 'customer is king' often doesn't work
| 436 ;;Quote: a company must be competitor oriented; marketing attacks against positional weaknesses; e.g., DEC vs. IBM
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references t-z (309 items)
Topic: customer-centered marketing (17 items)
Topic: importance of market share (11 items)