ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same
Topic: importance of information hiding for requirement specification
Topic: mental models, consistency, and interface metaphors
Topic: real time systems
Group: requirement specification
Topic: requirement specification by assertion
Topic: requirement specification by behaviors
Topic: object-oriented design
Topic: design documentation
Topic: computer as state machine
Topic: primitive functions
| |
Parnas, D.L., pp. 1-14, in Stavridou, V. (ed.),
Mathematics of dependable systems II, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1997.
Other Reference
Proc Mathematics of dependable systems, University of York, August 1995, Institute of Mathematics and its applications.
4 ;;Quote: a list of attributes may be a description or a specification; a specification may provide a choice; e.g., "the volume is a cubic meter"
| 4 ;;Quote: often a model is used as a specification or description; e.g., a finite state machine for a communication protocol; this does not state the requirements
| 5 ;;Quote: describe real-time and interactive systems by control theory
| 5+;;Quote: describe terminating programs by their effect on the state of a data structure
| 5+;;Quote: describe modules by the observable event sequences (traces) at their interface
| 5+;;Quote: describe objects in terms of the module that creates them
| 6 ;;Quote: a program determines a set of executions, i.e., a sequence of states
| 7 ;;Quote: a program is a primitive program with respect to a program-construction tool if it was produced without the tool; used as building blocks
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ThesaHelp: references p-r (245 items)
Topic: fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same (37 items)
Topic: importance of information hiding for requirement specification (23 items)
Topic: mental models, consistency, and interface metaphors (49 items)
Topic: real time systems (14 items)
Group: requirement specification (11 topics, 306 quotes)
Topic: requirement specification by assertion (28 items)
Topic: requirement specification by behaviors (16 items)
Topic: object-oriented design (29 items)
Topic: design documentation (43 items)
Topic: computer as state machine (20 items)
Topic: primitive functions (34 items)