ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: management of large software projects
Topic: incremental development
Topic: public domain software
Group: debugging
Topic: bugs
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation
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Raymond, E.S.,
"The cathedral and the bazaar",
First Monday, 3, 3, March 2, 1998.
Other Reference
Bezroukov, N., "A second look at the Cathedral and the Bazaar", First Monday 4.12, 6 Dec. 1999
abstract ;;Quote: compares the cathedral model of commercial software vs. the bazaar model of Linux and free software
| abstract+;;Quote: given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow
| 1. ;;Quote: release early and often, delegate everything, be open; works well despite chaotic change
| 4.8 ;;Quote: with enough testers and developers, every problem can be identified and fixed easily; debugging is parallelizable, unlike development
| 5. ;;Quote: data structures define the code better than functions or flowcharts
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ThesaHelp: references p-r (245 items)
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Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation (53 items)