Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: function library
ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: object transformation language
Topic: weak vs. strong type checking
Topic: help in UserInterface
Topic: pronoun reference
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Cohen, S.,
"Speakeasy, an evolutionary system",
Symposium on Very High Level Languages,
SIGPLAN, 9, 4, pp. 118-126, April 1974.
QuoteRef: coheS4_1974 ;;118 Speakeasy is a simple processor with extensive libraries and associated help documentation
| QuoteRef: coheS4_1974 ;;118 system works--allows easy communication of ideas (operators) Speakeasy
| QuoteRef: coheS4_1974 ;;119 Speakeasy is an operator-operand language with structured objects and full type checking. Like APL
| QuoteRef: coheS4_1974 ;;120 lose syntax depends on type checking to catch logical errors
| QuoteRef: coheS4_1974 ;;123 scratch pad storage, "answer" is value of last calculation
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