ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: self reference
Topic: attribute grammar
Group: grammar
Topic: abstraction
Topic: existence
Topic: children vs. adults
Topic: thought is computational
Topic: natural language as a system
Topic: meaning by use
Topic: natural language as communication
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Chomsky, N.,
Aspects of the theory of syntax, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1965.
QuoteRef: chomN_1965 ;;13 "self-embedding contributes still more radically to unacceptability
| 22 ;;Quote: similar sentences may have different deep structures; e.g., 'I persuaded/expected John to leave'
| 48 ;;Quote: the ideas of movements and figures are innate in us
| 58 ;;Quote: a child learns a natural language by discovering a deep and abstract theory
| QuoteRef: chomN_1965 ;;85 subcategorization rules in a grammar to give a property list for words (a lexicon) along with possible transformations back and forth
| 201 ;;Quote: to understand speech must extricate thought from signs or words which often agree not with it
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