Topic: exception handling by termination
ThesaHelp: references t-z
Topic: termination of control unit
Topic: recursion
Topic: conditional statement
Topic: return from procedure
Topic: exception handling with resumption
Group: exception handling
Topic: debugger
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Thimbleby, H.,
"Leave and recall: Primitives for procedural programming",
Software--Practice & Experience, 10, 2, pp. 127-134, February 1980.
130 ;;Quote: recall(p,x) is for simplifying program design; like recursion
| 131 ;;Quote: would like predicates to test if an action is possible; e.g., 'if can suspend process p ...'
| 131 ;;Quote: 'leave(p,v)' terminates most recent activation of p and returns v as its value
| 131 ;;Quote: recall(p,x) is equivalent to leave(p,p(x)); it replaces the most recent activation with a new one
| QuoteRef: thimH2_1980 ;;131 "'Leave can be used for handling errors detected in low level procedures
| 132 ;;Quote: terminate a procedure abnormally by calling an error handler; can recall it or return an appropriate result
| 132 ;;Quote: continually recalls the expression parser until the user correctly modifies the expression
| 133 ;;Quote: at a breakpoint, a user can 'recall' a procedure with new parameters, continue, or 'leave' with a given result
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