ThesaHelp: references p-r
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: interface type
Topic: data type as a set of operations
Topic: structural equivalence vs. name equivalence of data types
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation
Topic: object-oriented classes
Group: type inheritance
Topic: problems with type inheritance
Topic: restricted and extended types
Topic: type parameter
Topic: data types are not needed
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Rodriguez, N. de La Rocque, Ierusalimschy, R., Rangel, J.L.,
"Types in School",
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 28, 8, August 1993, pp. 81-89.
81 ;;Quote: the type of an object is its operations; a type error occurs when an object does not have a method for a message
| 81+;;Quote: the type of an object is its external interface, while the class of an object is its implementation
| 83 ;;Quote: A is a subtype of B if it can be used wherever B is used; A is a subclass of B if it inherits methods and variables
| 84 ;;Quote: use properties to distinguish types that have the same operations; e.g., the property 'LIFO' for type 'stack'; simulate with dummy functions
| 86 ;;Quote: use a 'where' clause to specify a type parameter; defines the required operations for conforming types
| 89 ;;Quote: the formal and operational definitions of School do not refer to types; type checking is only for avoiding type errors at run-time
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ThesaHelp: references p-r (245 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z (280 items)
Topic: interface type (50 items)
Topic: data type as a set of operations (38 items)
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Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation (86 items)
Topic: object-oriented classes (66 items)
Group: type inheritance (13 topics, 391 quotes)
Topic: problems with type inheritance (20 items)
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