Topic: case statement
ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: assigning values to statements
Topic: operator precedence
Topic: function definition
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Rain, M.,
"Operation expressions in Mary",
SIGPLAN, 8, 1, pp. 7-14, January 1973.
Mary is a simple derivative of Algol 68
QuoteRef: rainM1_1973 ;;10 precedence in Mary is purely left to right eg a[j,k] if b then *10 else +i-5 fi =: i; this produces optimum code as well
| QuoteRef: rainM1_1973 ;;11 can embed case statements in expressions.
| QuoteRef: rainM1_1973 ;;12 monadic operators occur after the operand
| QuoteRef: rainM1_1973 ;;13 define operations by OP abs (Val int a)=(a if operand < O then -fi) $; generates a test skip over a negate
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