ThesaHelp: references t-z
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: minimal manuals and guided exploration
Topic: education
Topic: self reference
Topic: limitations of system security
Topic: security leaks and weaknesses
Topic: trust
Topic: source-rich system
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Thompson, K.,
"Reflections on trusting trust",
Communications of the ACM, 27, 8, pp. 761-763, August 1984.
761 ;;Quote: write a source program that reproduces itself; the discovery of how to do it is a revelation
| 762 ;;Quote: can recompile the C compiler with the character codes that it translates, e.g., \n; learning, self-reference
| 763 ;;Quote: can recompile the C compiler to introduce Trojan horse bugs invisibly
| 763 ;;Quote: you can only trust code that you create; source-level verification or scrutiny can not catch unsecure code
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