ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: examples of file systems
Topic: immutable files and data
Topic: file system reliability
Topic: replicated data
Group: file system
Topic: disk allocation
Topic: defensive programming
Topic: efficiency
Topic: file input/output
Topic: virtual memory
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McKusick, M.K. , Joy, W.N. , Leffler, S.J. , Fabry, R.S. ,
"A fast file system for UNIX ",
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 2, 3, pp. 181-197, August 1984.
181 ;;Quote: description of new file system for UNIX 4.2bsd
| 184 ;;Quote: UNIX file system described by a replicated, immutable superblock
| 184 ;;Quote: UNIX uses at least 4K file blocks; allows 4 gigabyte files with two levels of indirection
| 184 ;;Quote: UNIX partitions disks into cylinder groups with copy of superblock, local inodes, free block bit map, and usage statistics
| 184 ;;Quote: a UNIX cylinder group preallocates an inode for every 2K bytes of disk; far more than needed
| 184 ;;Quote: bookkeeping information for a UNIX cylinder group is staggered to prevent a lost platter from destroying everything
| 185 ;;Quote: UNIX file as zero or more data blocks plus fragmented blocks; e.g., 1K fragments of 4K data blocks
| 185 ;;Quote: free disk bit map for UNIX at fragment level, but blocks are aligned
| 185+;;Quote: smallest UNIX fragment is a disk sector; need about 5% free disk space
| 186 ;;Quote: files should be extended one block at a time, with fragment at end; UNIX tells applications the optimal read/write size
| 188 ;;Quote: UNIX file system allocation accounts for block interleave; divides cylinder group into 8 rotational groups
| 189 ;;Quote: UNIX directories on different cylinder groups; inodes in a directory in the same group; at most 16 disk transfers for inodes of cylinder group
| 189 ;;Quote: large UNIX files spread across cylinder groups by new group at 48K bytes and every megabyte
| 190 ;;Quote: overflow UNIX allocation by rotational closest in cylinder, in same group, rehash to another group, exhaustive search
| 192 ;;Quote: about 40% of I/O time in UNIX is copying between system and user buffers
| 192+;;Quote: UNIX does not remap user buffers for I/O since requires page alignment and data would disappear after a write
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