Topic: undefined, null, and other signal values
Topic: pointers to data
Group: input/output
Topic: lists
Topic: operator precedence
Topic: data structure literals
Topic: sequence reduction
Topic: orthogonal extension and cartesian products
Topic: notation for constants
ThesaHelp: references m-o
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McKeeman, W.M.,
"An approach to computer language design ", Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Ph.D. thesis, Tech. Report CS48, 1966.
QuoteRef: mckeWM_1966 ;; the power of each feature should be available to all features--eg i/o language is usually very limited compared to processing
| QuoteRef: mckeWM_1966 ;;95 undefined types: null and inf (for a/0) can be tested and propagated
| QuoteRef: mckeWM_1966 ;;96 in and out for i/o string variables (line oriented)
| QuoteRef: mckeWM_1966 ;;101 Euler: list by a sequence of memory locations
| QuoteRef: mckeWM_1966 ;;110 number base radix-- is a string representation of a number
| QuoteRef: mckeWM_1966 ;;110 count list value is a list of count values
| QuoteRef: mckeWM_1966 ;;111 right to left evaluation cause of large number of operators and prefix operations are right to left.
| QuoteRef: mckeWM_1966 ;;114 compression e.g., inner product by +/a*b
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Topic: sequence reduction (10 items)
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)