ThesaHelp: references p-r
Topic: limitations of artificial intelligence and cognitive science
Topic: Turing test
Topic: vitalism, the soul
Group: philosophy of mathematics
Topic: physics as computation
Topic: Newtonian physics
Topic: quantum electrodynamics
Topic: cosmology
Topic: quantum mechanics
Topic: evolutionary systems
Topic: mathematical proof
Group: relationship between brain and behavior
Topic: consciousness
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Penrose, Roger,
The Emperor's New Mind. Concerning computers, minds, and the laws of physics, Oxford, England, Oxford University Press, 1989.
21 ;;Quote: is a book that describes Einstein's brain aware? If so, what if it is never opened up and consulted?
| 23 ;;Quote: everything (including minds) need not be a digital computer
| 112 ;;Quote: mathematical concepts have absolute truth and a Platonic existence; e.g., the Mandelbrot set
| 174 ;;Quote: the best scientific theories are fertile sources of mathematical ideas; connects the real world with mathematics
| 228 ;;Quote: classical physics requires both particles described by 6 parameters and fields described by an infinite number of parameters
| 235 ;;Quote: a photon behaves in a wavelike way entirely on its own; its alternative possibilities can cancel out
| 354 ;;Quote: it appears that the big bang state is less probable than the entire solar system being created by random collisions
| 369 ;;Quote: at some stage, the quantum linear superposition becomes actual alternatives one of which is observed; may happen at the one-graviton level
| 416 ;;Quote: evolution appears to be more organized then it ought to be from natural selection
| 418 ;;Quote: mathematical truth is not something that we ascertain merely by an algorithm; we must 'see' its truth
| 437 ;;Quote: perhaps mind is quantum gravity selecting one of many superpositioned alternatives
| 447 ;;Quote: a universe governed by laws that do not allow consciousness is no universe at all; current mathematical descriptions fail this criterion
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