Topic: user-defined languages
ThesaHelp: references c-d
Group: goals for a programming system
Topic: extensible languages
Topic: notations for brackets
Topic: grammar modification
Topic: comments
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"Department of Defense requirements for high order computer programming languages ",
SIGPLAN, 12 12, pp. 39-54, December 1977.
Revision of "Ironman" July 1977
QuoteRef: dod12_1977 ;;40 general design criteria: generality only as needed, reliability, maintainability (read more important than write), efficiency, simplicity, implementability, machine independence, formal definition.
| QuoteRef: dod12_1977 ;;42 "The user shall not be able to modify the source language syntax
| QuoteRef: dod12_1977 ;;42 line boundaries treated as spaces so bracketed scoping key words begin-
| QuoteRef: dod12_1977 ;;42 embedded comments terminated by end-of-line or end of comment symbol
| QuoteRef: dod12_1977 ;;42 stand alone comments indicated by special character at beginning of line
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ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Group: goals for a programming system (21 topics, 971 quotes)
Topic: extensible languages (69 items)
Topic: notations for brackets (9 items)
Topic: grammar modification (10 items)
Topic: comments (23 items)