ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: science as measurement
Topic: electromagnetic field
Topic: units
Topic: history of science
Topic: history of mathematics
Topic: light
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Maxwell, J.C.,
A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Clarendon Press, 2 volumes, 1891, 3rd edition.
Other Reference
first edition, 1873.
Published before 1923
vi ;;Quote: measurable quantities are the most important aspect of any phenomenon from a mathematical viewpoint
| vi+;;Quote: describe electrical phenomena in terms of measurements, methods of measurement, and standards
| 1 ;;Quote: every quantitative expression consists of a unit or standard of reference and a magnitude
| 2:240 ;;Quote: the electromotive intensity depends on the velocity of a particle transverse to the magnetic field, the time-variation of the magnetic field, and the time-variation of the electric field
| 2:240+;;Quote: Maxwell developed his theory in cartesian coordinates and promoted the use of quaternion or vector equations
| 2:493 ;;Quote: the propagation of energy takes place through a medium; Maxwell's goal was an accurate, mental representation of this medium
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