ThesaHelp: references p-r
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Group: natural language
Topic: primitive functions
Topic: children vs. adults
Topic: direct engagement and theater in a user interface
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation
Topic: sensitivity of software to change
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Rader, C., Brand, C., Lewis, C.,
"Degrees of comprehension: Children's understanding of a visual Programming environment",
Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 97 Conference Proceedings, ACM SIGCHI, March 1997, pp. 351-358.
357 ;;Quote: children easily learn the primitives of a visual environment and then struggle to program with them in interesting and complex ways
| 357+;;Quote: 2nd-5th graders found it hardest to order KIDSIM's rules to get their models correct
| 357+;;Quote: 2nd-5th graders felt it was too difficult to make changes to their KIDSIM science models
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ThesaHelp: references p-r (245 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z (280 items)
Group: natural language (16 topics, 539 quotes)
Topic: primitive functions (34 items)
Topic: children vs. adults (33 items)
Topic: direct engagement and theater in a user interface (35 items)
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation (54 items)
Topic: sensitivity of software to change (44 items)