ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: user-defined languages
Topic: user-centered design
Topic: specification is infeasible
Topic: software lifecycle
Topic: design for change
Group: software maintenance
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McCracken, D.D., Jackson, M.A.,
"Life cycle concept considered harmful",
Software Engineering Notes, 7, 2, ACM SIGSOFT, April 1982, pp. 29-32.
30 ;;Quote: solve communication problems between systems analysts and end-users by making the end-users the developers
| 31 ;;Quote: can not state requirements in advance because the system development changes the user's perceptions and often changes the applications environment itself
| 31 ;;Quote: the software life cycle is like forcing supermarket customers to specify their shopping list at the door
| 31 ;;Quote: the software life cycle rigidifies thinking and reduces a system's responsive to change
| 31+ ;;Quote: software life cycle occurred because of severe limitations in available design and implementation tools
| 31 ;;Quote: with the software life cycle, changes occur reluctantly and in large packets
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